The Los Angeles Times editors have taken time out of their busy schedules to consider something they obviously know nothing about–women pastors and priests. Meanwhile circulation of their paper continues to decline.

The editors talk about supposed gains for women in the clergy as being ‘under attack’ and resistance in the form of a ‘stained-glass ceiling’. They seem to be ignorant to the variety of different Christian churches out there and the different responses to woman pastors or priests–and how those policies are formed.

All of the ‘gains’ have been made in ‘liberal’ protestant churches like the Episcopal Church who no longer abide by Biblical authority and are swayed by the dominant ‘PC rights’ culture in the USA–all of which are in a membership decline.

They write about a supposed ‘hardening’ and increased resistance to women clergy and women performing ministry in the Catholic Church. That is ridiculous and far from the truth. Actually there have been no changes to speak of, it has always been an offence to ordain folks that are not qualified by canon law–including woman and others. Ignored are the 1000’s of Nuns in the service of the church, many in positions of authority in church schools and hospitals.

They recognize that different Protestant reactions might be due to Biblical teaching and theological tradition. However, they seem to think that those teachings and traditions should be subject to change according to a modern world view.

They obviously have no understanding or respect for the many conservative Christian churches that still believe in and are governed by a ‘higher authority’ –the Bible. The policies in these churches reflect a Biblical world view quite different than the liberal perspective that the LA Times editors are immersed in.

Fact is, there are more women in the ministry today than perhaps at any other time in the past. They are serving as teachers, worship leaders, youth leaders, evangelists, and many as associate pastors. However, the LA Times folks would probably protest that these don’t really count since they aren’t head pastors or Bishops–‘positions of higher authority’.

Interestingly, if you check out the list of executives for the LA Times, or the editorial staff, their more important offices still seem to be dominated by men. I wonder what they call that ceiling? 

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