This is an incredible untold story.  According to Release International, a group who monitors the persecution of Christians around the world, British Muslims who convert to Christianity are increasingly subjected to serious persecution even in the UK.  Release International’s CEO Andy Dipper is quoted as saying:

“Release has seen many such cases around the world. Now these things are beginning to happen in the UK.

Converts from a Muslim background may be traumatised, having faced intense pressure, threats, blackmail and the loss of their families and homes. They often have to cope with either secrecy or intimidation, and may need emotional and spiritual counselling.”

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, who was originally from Pakistan, said that he had endured similar threats in his homeland, but never expected the same thing to happen in the UK.  The Bishop has received a number of death threats and is under police protection since he pointed out and expressed his concern about certain Muslim communities in Britain.

Response: Read the whole story. It is really incredible that persecution like this is happening to Christians in the UK. Especially since the police and the authorities seem powerless to stop it.     

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