Millions of public school students are committed to gather at their flagpoles on campuses all across the country today and pray.

According to Doug Clark, a spokesman for the national SYATP 2009 organization the theme for this year’s observance-= “Engage: Go and pray”- is taken from II Kings 22:

“…it’s a great story to look up and…to refresh and build your vision for this generation, because Josiah, the king of Israel, was 16 years old when he began experiencing an awakening in his own life. And that led to him being part of one of the greatest revivals and awakenings in the Old Testament….”

Response: What a great event and one that can help to change the spiritual climate on school campuses all across America. This is a ‘student-led’ movement that is allowed through the equal access laws in this country. Contrary to popular belief, while ‘official school prayers’ have been banned in American schools, students are still free to pray on their own at any time.

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