Found this on Michelle Malkin’s blog:
Major Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter displayed the following on his business card right under his name:
The abbrev. SoA stands for “Soldier of Allah” and SWT is an Arabic abbreviation for: “Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,” or “Glory to Him, the Exalted.”
Response: The MSM (Main Stream Media) continues to ask why Major Hasan flipped out and started shooting his fellow soldiers. Maybe because he didn’t consider them his ‘fellow soldiers’? Maybe because he considered himself as part of a different army: The Jihadist Army of Allah?
As the evidence rolls in it is becoming more difficult for folks to characterize the event as one guy who just went crazy. There is an obvious religious component that cannot be ignored no matter how hard the media and the government tries to deny it. This shooting can only be understood and explained in the context of Muslim extremism. It is reported that he shouted out –”Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”)– as he opened fire on his unarmed colleagues.
Major Hasan is a Muslim Jihadist.
Why isn’t it possible to admit this truth without condemning all the faithful moderate Muslims in America and in the U.S. Army?