by Brad Hill  (Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing. Inc., 2006, 368 pgs.)

     This book was very helpful in explaining all the inns & outs of blogging, all the terms, and technical stuff I had no clue about.  I read it through, but now use it as a reference guide.  It has whole chapters on the major blog programs.  “Chapter 10: Blogging with WordPress”, was particularly helpful for me.  I learned to do all sorts of things that I didn’t even know the program would do.  I read all the stuff on the ‘WordPress web site’, but this was a lot easier for me to understand.  For example, I was finally able to place my picture on the ‘About’ page, which I could not figure out how to do before.  There were also lots of technical terms that I had no clue about until I read this work.

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