Q: We know that Jesus really wasn’t born on December 25th so why celebrate Christmas at all?

A: We have answered this question about December 25th before. It is true that the Bible doesn’t really tell us what day Jesus was actually born on.  The only scriptural clue is that there were shepherds in the fields tending their sheep that night. That means the first Christmas Eve probably happened sometime during a span from April through October. So we can be somewhat certain that it did not happen in December.

Nevertheless, anytime is a good time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. One thing for sure, the traditional Christmas season brings the message of the nativity and the coming of God’s Son into the cultural mainstream at least once a year regardless of all of the commercialism.

Also the Christmas season has become a special time for families to get together. A time for giving gifts and for reaching out and helping others. A time that transforms our lives for the better and a fine tribute to a child who grew up and changed the world and was the greatest gift of all time:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. –John 3:16 (ESV)

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