A groundbreaking study has shown that it is possible for homosexuals to change their orientation if they want to, but it is difficult. The study shows that 38% were able to become heterosexual through the help of Christian ministries. Another 29% had modest success in the process.

All of the research and studies up to this point have been conducted by homosexuals with vested interest and supported by activist organizations. This is the first scientific study conducted by Christian organizations:

“…skeptics should not dismiss the research simply because the researchers are Christians. Much research in the field, they noted, is conducted by researchers who are homosexuals and is nonetheless considered reputable.”

The subjects in this research were all being counseled by Exodus International, a Florida-based ministry, that seeks to help people leave homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. Warren Throckmorton, associate professor of psychology at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, said about the new study:

“I think this is going to set the standard for research in this arena,” he told BP. “It’s significant because it does address the skepticism among mental health professionals that living by your faith is going to be harmful in some way…. [Jones and Yarhouse] did not find the kind of harm that has been predicted.

“The fact that it is a long-term study makes it superior to the most recent other work in this field. So I believe it does break ground.”

Comments: This is bound to be controversial since it swims against the tide of recent ‘politically correct’ opinion of the mental health establishment that change in sexual orientation is impossible. For Christians, this really should be no surprise since the faith has long been able to demonstrate success in changing lives through faith in Jesus Christ. 

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