“-The Amazing Story Of Rolland And Heidi Baker’s Miraculous Ministry Among The Poor”

By Rolland & Heidi Baker (Kent, UK: Sovereign World Ltd, 2003, 188 pgs.)


Rolland and Heidi Baker tell their own incredible story in this book, starting at the beginning, how they met, their education and preparation (both completed their BA & MA degrees at Vanguard University, and Heidi has a PHD in Systematic Theology from King’s College, University of London), how they were called to missions, serving first in Hong Kong, and then how they eventually ended up in Mozambique serving the poorest of the poor. 

The story of their Mozambique mission reads like the Book of Acts.  Incredible victories, miracles, healings, feeding hundreds with just enough food for a family, bringing 10’s of thousands to Christ, birthing 6000 churches, training thousands of pastors and leaders, true revival, and also incredible opposition, and a multitude of frustrating situations.  The real story is not about the huge numbers and success, it is about the Baker’s willingness to help one person at a time.  Their reaching out to one orphan after another, bringing love, care, and Christ to those who have none of the above, and have been rejected in probably the poorest country in the world.  Their testimony and their obvious humility,  causes one to be encouraged and to celebrate the greatness of our God, also to seek revival in one’s own life and community.

If you really want to know the truth about the Baker’s, this book is the best place to start.  The book is available through many Christian book stores, or directly through the Baker’s ministry site: http://www.irismin.com/products.html

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